Sabtu, 01 Februari 2020

Wake Up Call for the World

At the start of the second decade of the 21st century, our world faces a security and Virus crisis greater even than the heights of the Cold War. 

Nuclear annihilation is an acute threat, aggravated by both stand-offs over Iran and the Korean Peninsula, and by the deliberate undoing of arms control agreements that have restrained proliferation by key powers including Russia and the US.

Recent events in the Middle East have shown how unilateral actions beyond the bounds of international law can spark unpredictable and potentially uncontrollable consequences. 

The tragic shooting down of a Ukrainian passenger jet in Tehran, killing 176 civilians, is an awful warning of the price paid in innocent blood when leaders favour bellicose posturing over serious negotiations.

The climate crisis poses an equally grave existential challenge to humanity, with the devastating fires in Australia only the latest example of the risks posed to human health and safety by global warming and extreme weather events. 

But even though the last year has seen an outpouring of popular anger and demands for radical change, global leaders have yet to show they are capable of taking the bold steps to cut emissions and deliver a sustainable future to Our Kids and Grandkids all over the World.

Today in the year of our lord 2020, Corona Outbreak has been Spread out to some of our dearest country in the world. The world needs to recognise and respond to this wake up call.

Every Religious, Global and World leaders need to show they are capable of taking the bold steps to cut this current situation.The decision to move the hands of the Doomsday Clock is backed by rigorous scientific scrutiny, and demands an equally rigorous multilateral with compasion response. 

Religious, Global and World leaders can't be consumed by their petty differences or Unfair Ideology anymore and should be united in world common interests and you will once again be fighting for our freedom from annihilation of humankind.

Our leaders should fighting for our right to live, To exist and declared in One voice and One attitude "We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on Side by side! We're going to Survive and able to Create Global peace and stability to their People.

The common thread uniting and exacerbating the nuclear, climate threats and Deadly Virus is the assault on the multilateral rules-based system that has helped underpin global peace and stability since the Second World War. 

Too many leaders today either embrace the doctrines of nationalism and isolationism, or lack the political courage to challenge these malign forces and instead retreat into passivity therefore being a Leaders should have Moral Values, if practices would make a Big diffrences in the Society to our World.

At such a moment, the world should recall the inspiring words of the late Kofi Annan, my predecessor as UN Secretary-General whose life was devoted to the cause of peace: “When leaders fail to lead, the people will lead and make them follow.”

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